Tesla is ordered to pay former worker $137 million for racism at plant
Lawrence Organ of the California Civil Rights Law Group represented Owen Diaz, a black man and former contract worker at Tesla. Daaz was racially taunted and had to experience offensive graffiti at the electric-car maker’s Northern California plant.
Tesla was ordered to pay Diaz a total of $137 million, a federal jury in San Francisco decided that Diaz was subjected to a racially hostile work environment.
The jury’s award included $6.9 million for emotional distress and $130 million in punitive damages.
Organ said he hopes the ruling encourages Tesla to do “some reevaluation” so none of its other Black employees have to endure similar treatment. “The jury verdict sends a message to one of the wealthiest companies in the world that it must treat all its employees with dignity and respect,” he said.
Original report came from The LA Times
Case Type: Employment Law
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California Civil Rights Law Group
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